İnegöl-bursa Karayolu Kalburt Mevkii. No: 51 İnegöl
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+90 (224) 714 20 58 | Faks : +90 (224) 714 20 63
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Über uns
HD Maschinen: 4008B - 4008S - 4008S Classix
Dialysatoren: High Flux
Anzahl der Dialyseplätze: 45
Behandlungsart: HD, Heim-Hämodialyse
Entfernung zum Flughafen: Yenişehir 45 km
Fresenius Medical Care verfügt über 50 Dialysestationen in ganz Türkei!
Gerne helfen wir bei Ihrer Dialyseplatzreservierung -türkeiweit- in einem unserer anderen Zentren und erledigen für Sie sowohl die Kostenübernahme-Angelegenheiten mit Ihrer Krankenkasse, als auch die Einholung Ihres Arztbriefes von Ihrer Heimatdialyse. Übersetzung und Weiterleitung der Unterlagen, an unsere jeweilige Dialysestation, gehören auch zu unserem Service.
Unser qualifiziertes FMC Team ermöglicht Ihnen eine kompetente medizinische Versorgung, die weiltweit, einheitlich, den höchsten Qualitätsanforderungen von Fresenius Medical Care entspricht.
Für Fragen und Reservierungen stehen unsere türkisch/deutschsprachigen Mitarbeiter gerne zur Verfügung Rufnummer 0090.549 782 65 48 (24 h)
2 Facharzt |
1 Responsible-Manager |
1 Certified Medical |
1 Matrone |
7 Krankenschwester |
1 Sekretär |
1 Techniker |
5 hilfsbereit |
1 Accounting Lecturer |
Fresenius Medical Care (FME) is the world's largest integrated provider of products and services for individuals undergoing dialysis due to chronic kidney failure, a condition that affects more than 2.1 million individuals worldwide. For over 30 years, Fresenius Medical Care has been setting the standards in renal dialysis, operating at all levels of care. As a manufacturer of a full range of dialysis products and as a service provider operating over 2,800 centres in nearly 40 countries worldwide, Fresenius Medical Care partners with healthcare services to provide tailor-made therapy options for more than 228,000 patients around the world.
FME Turkey has 58 clinics in 26 cities which offer HD treatments to 7000 patients who suffer from ESRD. All applicable international standards and best practice guidelines are followed in FME Turkey clinics. The highest medical standards are our benchmark. This is our commitment to our patients, our partners in the healthcare system and our investors, who trust in the reliable performance and the future of Fresenius Medical Care.
Providing appropriate installations, facilities and infrastructures in dialysis clinics in order to create comfortable and safe treatment environment for our patients is among our quality objectives. Application guidelines having high standards of Fresenius Medical Care guide us in these efforts.
We use state of the art dialysis equipments and disposables in our clinics. Together with our employees, we focus on pursuing strategies that will enable us to uphold our technological leadership. Patients with kidney disease look ahead with much more confidence thanks to our innovative technologies and treatment concepts. We give them a future, one that offers them the best-possible quality of life.
Clinic info
HD Machines: 4008B - 4008S - 4008S Ciassix
Dialysers: High Flux
Number of stations: 45
Treatment Modalities: HD, Home HD
Distance to airport: Yenişehir 45 km
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