• In the early years of the Republic and Gallipoli in addition to the elimination of the Big cities with banners declaring the province of Çanakkale Bowl village took its name. In ancient times the city was called the Dardanelles. According to sources, the city has 3000 years of history. Even today, the remains of the ancient city of Troy was destroyed by a major earthquake in 2500 BC and remained under the rule of the Lydians throughout the region for years. Then it is part of the Ottomans with the Dardanelles. It is actually located in the Biga Peninsula of Çanakkale. The name of the city as a result of çanakçılık made ??profession for many years in the city remained the Dardanelles. In particular, the investments made in the province has started modernization after 1970. Thus, facilitated transport and the city gained its present appearance. Wide sidewalks, clean streets, well-kept buildings incorporate a sample with a city of many cultures of Çanakkale. Although it is quite rich in natural beauty and history of Çanakkale actually works, has not yet reached the required capacity in terms of tourism. One of the main reasons for the failure of the Dardanelles magic of the sites have little place in the area and very little is allowed for restructuring.